CASTIGLIONE and the ‘AMMOND’ church
You can easily get to Castiglione di Carovilli even for a short walk
Castiglione di Carovilli is only few minutes away from our Home and you can easily get there with a short walk.
The remains of the old church on the hill dominate the village, a charming place from which you can admire the stunning landscape
A few meters from the square with its impressive fountain, there is an enchanting footpath that goes uphill along the mountain. It is an easy track and also suitable for the youngest.
One thing about Castiglione is that the more you see of it, the more incredible it is.
– Difficoltà bassa
– Durata minimo 2 ore e 30 circa A/R
– Necessario: scarpe comode, una borraccia, una macchina fotografica ed un bel sorriso per un selfie.

Un'Oasi di Benessere per il Relax dei Nostri Ospiti
Perfettamente integrato nel contesto storico e naturale, il centro benessere sembra essere in simbiosi con l’acqua, con i suoni della natura e della musica.